They play a big role in steering the school’s success and act as primary change agents in improving student outcomes.
Under the New Deals, principals and head teachers are given new performance contracts. This will ensure transparency in school performance, where each principal and headmaster will know how they performed in relative to other schools.
All schools will be ranked based on composite scores of the school average score (GPS) and school self assessment (Standard Quality Education in Malaysia).
Those schools which score 84% for primary schools and 92% for secondary schools are eligible for rewards.

The rewards and benefits that can be expected are:
> These eligible head teachers will receive RM7, 500 and 5% of top performing teachers will receive RM1, 800 while the others will receive RM900.
> The head teachers will receive monetary and non-monetary rewards.
The performance of all 9,900 government schools will be ranked on an annual basis.
To be eligible for rewards, the school should obtain a qualified financial audit report and achieve literacy and numeracy targets (for primary schools).
In addition, the head master or principal must obtain an Annual Appraisal Report (LNPT) score greater than 90 and be free from disciplinary action.
Teachers in schools with a head teacher or principal who qualify for the reward will also be eligible for a financial reward.
Those head teachers who constantly underperform will be sent for a performance management programme at Institut Aminuddin Baki and also be involved in coaching and mentoring under the School Improvement Programme (SIP).
There will be other consequences for punitive action if they are still not performing following the programmes undertaken.
No wonder some hms are supplying answers to their pupils BEFORE N DURING upsr this year
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