Many are searching for Borang Pentaksiran KSSR for BM, English, Science and etc etc. Well here are useful links for Borang Pentaksiran KSSR that teachers are searching for. Hope they are useful.
- Borang Pentaksiran BC
- Borang Pentaksiran BI
- Borang Pentaksiran BI Individu
- Borang Pentaksiran BI Kelas
- Borang Pentaksiran BM
- Borang Pentaksiran Matematik
- Borang Pentaksiran Moral
- ........
Thanks helps alot!!!!
cannot open do u publish the forms at other site?
i have fixed the links. try it ...sory ya!
welcome! come often as more things will be added!
thanks a lot for all the forms regarding KSSR. Any guides for teaching English?
welcome! Do you mean teaching KSSR English? I thought it is in the yearly lesson plan? If so, you can find it in the LESSON PLAN tab above. Thanks.
i love ittttttttttttttt!!!! thanks a lot! kudos to ur effort to help lessen the burden and giving out a helping hand!
haha... love to hear that too!
Welcome ! I thought the form is in Malay?
Millions of thanks...really guide me well when i am lost on the doing my "Fail Pengurusan PBS" for KSSR. Thanks A lot..........
Sham. Which one can't open? Let me check and correct
admin, please help, borang pentaksiran direct me to windows skydrive.... so can't donwload all the possible borang pentaksiran... please help.. and thanks...urs site really help me to get all the latest information that i need....thanks.
saya tak dapat download borang pentaksiran...tolong.............plssssssssssssss
saya pun..huhuh..nak donwload pentaksiran english nier..
admin sy memerlukan sangat borang pentaksiran english tapi xdpt download...harap admin boleh email pada saya di bantuan admin amat sy perlukan...thank
Hi all, at the moment please follow this link for the Borang Pentaksiran below as we are fixing the broken link.!155#cid=9AAB543F95409C51&id=9AAB543F95409C51!310&sc=documents
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I had big headache finding the sources for my year 1 son. And thanks god, I bump into this website few days ago!! It helps me a lot, better understanding of KSSR, cos my son's school, doesn't want to explain much on this, always given me answer like NO INSTRUCTION FROM MOE!!!! Thank a lot for teacher/HM that putting such a great effort on this website!! TERIMA KASIH banyak banyak!!
Admin...saya nak download borang pentaksiran muzik individu..tapi xboleh..kenape yer?
me said the material no longer exist...y?
why i can't open it? can you help me owner.
Macam mana nak download Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan KSSR Tahun 2 Bahasa Inggeris Sek SK. Terima kasih
just for share. Borang pentaksiran seeloknya cikgu ikut je SPPBS online. Apa yang saya lihat di sini ..borang yang disediakan berpandukan dokuman stadard bukan standard prestasi yg disediakan oleh lembaga peperiksaan. Tak perlu buat borang yang canggih. Ikut apa yg ditetapkan oleh pihak lembaga. Jangan menyusahkan diri cikgu.
Bila saya nak download borang pentaksiran KSSR, ini yg timbul: "This item might not exist or is no longer available. This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information."
tqsm 4 share:syakil
resource dari brtish council..flashcards n pictures yg saya rasa amat hampir dengan buku teks kssr thn 2
~semoga manfaat
thanks very much for the sharing, pal. ; )
Hi, AD.
Y borang for Mathematics x dpt didownload? help pliz....... ; )
i cannot download the BI pentaksiran form also. Pls help!
can't d.load the bi pentaksiran. pls help..
hi..nak guru kelas..mcm mana nak buat laporan akhir untuk kssr...x fhm
hi...nak tanya...instrument untuk pendidikan sivik tiada ke?
hi..mana nak dapat instrumen agama islam?tq
program rintis apa maksudnya pulak...huhu...
kenapalah susah sangat download pentaksiran...adoooiiiiii
Teachers, we have fixed some download links. But there are other links which we are fixing now. Sorry for the inconvenient...
Assalamualaikum..I just want to ask, is it true if my year 1 son not doing so good in his year 1 KSSR, it will affect his whole years KSSR (until year 6) evaluation marks...teachers told me this..but my son only in his year 1, and if teachers giving him only tahap 3 now, will his marks for year 6 affected ? We parents are really blur about this KSSR thing..
Pupils will be evaluated by teachers in school according to.pupils performance collected from year 1 to 6. in 40:60 ratio.
minta admin, sy memerlukan borang saringan linus 6 (lisan) tahun 2 yang sekarang tengah dijalankan. minta jasa tuan admin emailkan sy borang kalo ada ye.atau link ke page cni ke.
mohon kementerian mengadakan program jelajah penerangan berkenaan dengan sistem KSSR kepada Ibubapa( PIBG).Bagaimana nak online keputusan anak-anak?Anak saya sekarang darjah tiga. Guru pun ramai pening.Saya lihat sistem band ini pelik-terutama dalam matapelajaran Bahasa Melayu,peringkat band satu-terjemahannya seperti untuk bayi baru lahir,sedangkan murid darjah satu normal.
Saya memerlukan CD lagu kssr tahun3.tolong bantu saya.
well done, admin!
No more link to the form anymore? can't access it.
Borang Transit PBS utk semua subjek di
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